
Definition of inductor

Inductor is the ratio of the magnetic flux of the wire to the current producing the alternating magnetic flux, magnetic flux is generated in and around the wire when the alternating current passes through the wire

According to Faraday’s law of Electro-Magnetic, the changing magnetic field line will generate an induced potential at both ends of the coil, which is equivalent to a “new power source”. When a closed loop is formed, this induced potential will produce an induced current. It is known from Lenz’s law that the total amount of magnetic field lines produced by the induced current should try to prevent the change of the original magnetic field lines. Since the original changes of magnetic field lines come from the changes of external alternating power supply, the inductor coil has the characteristics of preventing the current changes in the AC circuit from the objective effect.

The inductor coil has a similar characteristic to the inertia in mechanics , and it is named “self-induction ” in electricity. Usually, when the knife switch is opened or switched on, a spark will occur, which is caused by the high induced potential generated by the self-induction phenomenon.

In short, when the inductor coil is connected to the AC power supply, the magnetic field line inside the coil will change with the alternating current, resulting in constant electromagnetic induction in the coil. This electromotive force caused by changes in the current of the coil itself is called “self-induced electromotive force”.

It can be seen that the inductance is only a parameter related to the number of coils, size and shape of the coil and the medium. It is a measure of the inertia of the inductance coil and has nothing to do with the applied current.

Inductor and Transformer

Inductance coil: When there is current in the wire, a magnetic field is built around it.Usually we wind a wire into a coil to increase the magnetic field inside the coil.Inductance coils are made by wrapping wire(enameled wire, yarn wrapped or bare wire)   round by round  (the wires aer insulated from each other) around an insulating tube(insulator,iron core or magnetic core) In general, an inductive coil has only one winding.

Transformer: inductance coil flow through the change of current, not only in the two ends of their own induced voltage, but also can make the nearby coil induced voltage, this phenomenon is  called self induction. Two coils that are not connected to each other but are close to each other and have electromagnetic induction between each other are generally called transformers.

Inductor Sign and Unit

Inductor sign: L

Inductor unit: H, mH   uH

Classification of inductors

Classified by Type: fixed inductor,  adjustable inductor

Classified by magnetic conductor: Air core coil, ferrite coil,  iron core coil, copper core coil

Classified by function: antenna coil, Oscillation coil, choke coil , trap coil, deflection coil

Classified by winding structure : single layer coil , multilayer wound coil , honeycomb coil

Classified by frequency : High frequency, low frequency

Classified by structure : ferrite coil, variable coil, color code coil , air core coil


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Post time: Aug-26-2022