
When we are choosing a product, we usually choose according to external factors. The same is true for chip inductors. We need to consider some external or internal factors to choose a suitable chip inductor for us, which affects the chip. There are many factors for inductance

If the product needs a chip inductor for a portable power supply, it usually needs to consider three points: size, size, and the third point is still size. Why do you focus on the size? The size of the mobile phone circuit board is inherently small. Today’s mobile devices include previous functions such as MP3, MP4, and video. More functions have increased battery consumption. Therefore, in order to provide more efficient solutions, researchers are slowly improving them.

For example, a magnetic buck converter is now used to replace the linear regulator that has been used before or directly connected to the battery.


In addition to the size, the main specifications of the inductor must also consider the inductance value, the DC impedance of the coil, the rated saturation current, and the AC impedance ESR. At the same time, depending on the application, shielded inductance and unshielded inductance should also be taken into consideration.

We also need to consider the loss of the inductor under AC power. The changes in inductance under AC given by each inductor manufacturer are different. Different AC impedances produced by different switching frequencies are different, resulting in differences under light loads. It is very important to improve the battery life in portable power systems.

Post time: Aug-12-2021